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Impressum (Legal Notice)

Carpardoo is a trademark of kfzteile24 GmbH
kfzteile24 GmbH
Am Treptower Park 28-30
12435 Berlin

tel.: +49 30 / 40 50 400
e-mail: info@carpardoo.com
internet: carpardoo.nl, carpardoo.fr, carpardoo.dk
Sales Tax ID: DE 814625732

Managing Directors: Markus Winter (CEO), Matthias Gossenz (COO), Just Beyer (CCO), Sebastian Bourmer (CFO)
Commercial Register: HRB 100363, District Court of Berlin-Charlottenburg

The data shown here may not be copied, especially the entire database. Duplicating or disseminating the data or the entire database, or having one or both of these actions performed by third parties, is forbidden without TecDoc’s prior consent. Contravention will be deemed copyright infringement and will be prosecuted. With its judgment from 12 May 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Haftung für Links" (liability for links), the Regional Court of Hamburg ruled that anyone who sets a link could potentially be co-liable for the content of the linked site. According to the Regional Court, this can be prevented only by expressly dissociating oneself from such content. We hereby dissociate ourselves from the linked sites.

Participation in dispute settlement proceedings and information on online dispute settlement

If a difference of opinion arises and the value in question exceeds 1,000 euros, kfzteile24 GmbH is prepared to participate with consumers (§ 13 BGB (German Civil Code)) in dispute settlement proceedings held by an arbitration board.

The EU Commission provides an internet platform for settling disputes online (the “OS Platform”). The OS Platform is to be a central point of contact for consumers and companies who prefer out-of-court settlement of contractual disputes arising from online purchase contracts or online service contracts.

Online purchase contracts or online service contracts are contracts in which the entrepreneur or its agent has offered goods or services via a website or other electronic means and the consumer has ordered those goods or services via that website or other electronic means.

The OS Platform is available under the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
